Disaster Waste Management

Contact Person:  Rajan Pangeni (9851231499)
email: helloleadnepal@gmail.com

Type: Workshops and Seminars


Nepal is one of the highly disaster prone countries exposed to various natural disasters because of its steep topography of dynamic geology and monsoon rainfall pattern. The monsoon bringing 80% of Nepal’s rainfall in less than three months in the summer (GoN/MoFSC, 2009) is one of the major reasons for hydro-meteorological disasters in Nepal. Nepal falls in top 20 lists of the multi hazard prone countries in the world and is ranked 4th, 11th and 30th in terms of climate change, earthquake and flood risk respectively. Nepal is vulnerable to multi natural disasters with an average of 900 natural disasters every year (MoHA, 2009).


  • Establish integrated disaster waste management system into holistic waste management system maintaining health and the ecology balance
  • Strengthen and establish appropriate institutional setup with coordination mechanism between all concern stakeholders including
  • National Reconstruction Authority for disaster waste management
  • Promote resource recovery of disaster waste using innovative and sustainable technology through public private partnership model,
  • Develop infrastructure for final disposal of risky waste.

Seminars and Workshop held for this project:

(a) round table on “Disaster Waste Management in Nepal”, 5th June 2015;

(b) workshop on “Disaster Waste Management in Nepal with International Development Partners and Funding Agencies”, June 12, 2015, 12 June 2015;

(c) Sharing workshop on ” Field Observation and Findings on Disaster Waste Management, 23 July 2015;

(d) Consultation with international experts at UNEP IETC, 26 August 2015;

(e) Roundtable consultation on the draft Disaster Waste Management policy, strategy and action plan, 19th November 2015.