The implementation of the project titled “Strengthening the capacity of policymakers and practitioners
in Bhutan, Mongolia, and Nepal to reduce GHGs and SLCPs from the waste sector, based on the
circular economy concept (the WCC project) is hence expected to make the linkages with waste and
climate change and work towards achieving sustainable waste management while exuberating climate
co-benefits. The WCC project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) International Climate Initiative (IKI), and the
United Nations Environment Programme International Environmental Technology Centre (UNEP
IETC). The WCC is a four-year (Aug 2017 – Aug 2021) project with multiple partners involving
government actors, non-governmental organization, the private sector, and civil society working
towards sustainable waste management. In Nepal, the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General
Administration (MoFAGA) is the government partner institution, and the Leadership for Environment
and Development (LEAD) Nepal – a nongovernmental organization is the executing partner that will
oversee the overall project management activities and report to the UNEP IETC. The overarching goal
(or outcome) of the WCC project is to capacitate key actors (policymakers and key waste sector
stakeholders) to implement enhanced legislative formworks, creating enabling conditions for the
introduction and uptake of suitable environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) in the waste sector,
while contributing to the achievement of the pledged (intended) nationally determined commitments
(I/NDCs) and towards SDGs through four work packages;
I. WP1: Policy design and development of integrated waste management strategies,
II. WP2: Technology: identification of suitable ESTs to mitigate GHGs and SLCPs emissions
from the waste sector,
III. WP3: Finance: development of bankable project proposals for the demonstration of the ESTs,
IV. WP4: Awareness: communication strategy and plan and awareness raising packages
Mission Objectives
1. Engaging media to share survey result to the wider stakeholder
2. Aware environmental journalist on the policy gaps on waste management and recommendation for bridging
3. Engaging media on sustainable integrated waste management and way forward
Expected outcome:
1) Baseline survey outcome will be widely shared through media
2) Environmental journalist will be aware on the policy gaps and will play key role to amend the
existing policies and formulate the new one.
3) Media will be acknowledged the major tool to achieve the SDG on waste management.
Target participants:
1) Visual, print, audio and E-media – 20 max
2) Government line ministries and technical committee members- 7
3) LEAD Nepal – 5